A veil of secrecy surrounds "13 Deceptions," the newest production by renowned magician and mentalist Shane Patrick. Held behind the concealed storyville lounge Speakeasy, this exclusive experience offers a journey into the hidden world of magic, inspired by whispers of an old Vaudeville performer whose 13th show was shrouded in superstition and secrecy.

Guests will be guided through a secret door—from inside an antique store, beyond a bookshelf into the speakeasy, and finally into an intimate, parlor room—where the magic unfolds before just 30 guests. With only 13 performances in total, this limited engagement offers an unforgettable, immersive experience that plays on the power and mystery of the number 13.

"There’s a reason 13 is feared and revered," says Shane Patrick. "This show takes you through that superstition, drawing you into a hidden world where the impossible feels real." 

click below to reserve tickets. Showtimes go from november 7 - december 7, 2024

tickets are $54.13. each show has just 30 seats available. ages 21+